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Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 2024E

Section 2.8 Chapter Summary

Subsection 2.8.1 Technical Terms

access modifier method call and return
class-level variable null pointer
default value null pointer exception
delimiter pointer
empty string reference
flow of control reference variable
interface static modifier
local variable user interface

Subsection 2.8.2 Important Points

  • Dot notation is used to refer to an object’s public elements.
  • Designing a class is a matter of deciding what role it will play and what information and actions it will have.
  • Writing a Java program is a matter of defining one or more classes. A class definition serves as a template for creating instance of the class.
  • Classes typically contain two kinds of elements, variables and methods. An object’s state is defined by its instance variables.
  • Class elements that are declared public can be accessed by other objects. Elements that are declared private are hidden from other objects.
  • A class’s instance variables are usually declared private so they cannot be accessed directly by other objects.
  • An object’s public instance methods can be called by other objects. Thus, they make up the object’s interface with other objects.
  • Object instantiation is the process of creating an object, using the new operator in conjunction with a constructor method.
  • A class definition consists of a header and a body. The header gives the class a name, specifies its accessibility (public), and its place in the Java class hierarchy (extends Object). The class body contains declarations of the class’s variables and definitions of its methods.
  • By default, a newly defined class is consider a subclass of Object.
  • Class elements that are declared static, such as the main() method, are associated with the class(not with its instances).
  • A Java application program must contain a main() method, which is where it begins execution.
  • Methods that are used solely for the internal operations of the class should be declared private.
  • An instance variable declaration reserves memory for the instance variable within the object, associates a name and a type with the location, and specifies its accessibility.
  • A method definition consists of two parts: a header, which names the method and provides other general information about it, and a body, which contains its executable statements.
  • Declaring a variable creates a name for an object but does not create the object itself. An object is created by using the new operator and a constructor method.

Solutions 2.8.3 Solutions to Self-Study Exercises

2.4 Class Definition
2.4.5 Define, Create, Use

Self-Study Exercises Class Name.
The name of the class is Riddle. Riddle Instance Variables.
The names of two instance variables: question, answer. Riddle Methods.
The names of three methods: Riddle(), getQuestion(), getAnswer(). Riddle Instances.
The names of two Riddle instances: riddle1, riddle2. Riddle Method Calls.
All six method calls of the Riddle objects in the program:
Riddle("What is black and white and red all over?", "An embarrassed zebra.")
Riddle("What is black and white and read all over?","A newspaper.")
riddle2.getAnswer() Riddle Qualified Names.
Qualified names: riddle1.getQuestion() and riddle1.getAnswer().

2.5 CASE STUDY: Simulating a Two-Person Game
2.5.3 Testing the OneRowNim Class

Self-Study Exercises Add Hint to Riddle Class.
  1. Definition of new instance variable in the Riddle class:
    private String hint;
  2. The getHint() method of the Riddle class, which should be a public method, is:
    public String getHint()
      return hint;
  3. The setHint() method of the Riddle class, with the result type void. is:
    public void setHint(String aHint)
      hint = aHint;
    } Student Class.
A possible definition of the Student class is given below.
public class Student
{  private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   private int studentID;
   public void setStudent(String fName, String lName,int anID)
     firstName = fName;
     lastName = lName;
     studentID = anID;
   public int getStudentID() { return studentID; }
   public String getStudentName() ( 
    return firstName + " " + lastName; 

2.7 From the Java Library: java.util.Scanner
2.7.3 Exceptions

Self-Study Exercise TestScanner for Decimals.
A main method that reads and squares a real number is given below.
public static void main(String[] args)
{               // Create Scanner object
  Scanner sc = Scanner.create(;
  System.out.print("Input a real number:");    // Prompt
  double realNum= sc.nextDouble();      // Read a double
  System.out.println(num + " squared = " + realNum*realNum);
} //main()
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