&& Operator.
action | input-process-output | representation |
binary digit (bit) | named constant | round off error |
binary operator | operand | short-circuit evaluation |
boundary value | operator overloading | type conversion |
cast operation | precedence order | unary operator |
class constant | promotion | Unicode |
, 16-bit short
, 32-bit int
, and 64-bit long
types. Unless otherwise specified, integer literals are represented as int
data in a Java program.float
type and the 64-bit double
type. Unless otherwise specified, floating-point literals are represented as double
data.Order | Operator | Operation | Association |
0 | ( ) |
Parentheses | |
1 | ++ -- |
Postincrement, postdecrement | L to R |
1 | . |
dot operator | L to R |
2 | ++ -- |
Preincrement, predecrement | R to L |
2 | + - |
unary plus, unary minus | R to L |
2 | ! |
Boolean NOT | R to L |
3 | (type) new |
Type cast, object instantiation | R to L |
4 | * / % |
Multiplication, division, modulus | L to R |
5 | + - |
Addition, subtraction | L to R |
5 | + |
String concatenation | L to R |
6 | < > <= >= |
Relational operators | L to R |
7 | == != |
Equality operators | L to R |
8 | ^ |
Boolean XOR | L to R |
9 | && |
Boolean AND | L to R |
10 | || |
Boolean OR | L to R |
11 | = += -= *= /= %= |
assignment operators | R to L |
public class TemperatureUI
{ private KeyboardReader reader; // Handles command line I/O
public TemperatureUI()
{ reader = new KeyboardReader(); // Create reader object
// Input-process-output algorithm to convert temperatures.
public void run()
{ reader.prompt("Converts Fahrenheit and Celsius.\n");
reader.prompt("Input a temperature in Fahrenheit > ");
double tempIn = reader.getKeyboardDouble();
double tempResult = Temperature.fahrToCels(tempIn);
reader.display(tempIn + " F = " + tempResult + " C\n");
reader.prompt("Input a temperature in Celsius > ");
tempIn = reader.getKeyboardDouble();
tempResult = Temperature.celsToFahr(tempIn);
reader.display(tempIn + " C = " + tempResult + " F\n ");
} // run()
public static void main(String args[])
{ TemperatureUI ui = new TemperatureUI(); // Create and
ui.run(); // run the user interface.
} // main()
} // TemperatureUI
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
// Use this panel with a JApplet top-level window (as per Chapter 4)
public class TemperatureJPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
{ private JTextField inField = new JTextField(15); // GUI components
private JTextField resultField = new JTextField(15);
private JLabel prompt1 = new JLabel("Input Temperature >>");
private JLabel prompt2 = new JLabel("Conversion Result:");
private JButton celsToFahr = new JButton("C to F");
private JButton fahrToCels = new JButton("F to C");
private JPanel panelN = new JPanel(); // Panels
private JPanel panelC = new JPanel();
private JPanel panelS = new JPanel();
private Temperature temperature = new Temperature(); // Temperature object
public TemperatureJPanel() // Set up user interface
{ setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // Use BorderLayout
panelN.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panelC.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panelS.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
panelN.add("North", prompt1); // Input elements
panelN.add("South", inField);
panelC.add("West", celsToFahr); // Control buttons
panelC.add("East", fahrToCels);
panelS.add("North", prompt2); // Output elements
panelS.add("South", resultField);
add("North", panelN); // Input at the top
add("Center", panelC); // Buttons in the center
add("South", panelS); // Result at the bottom
celsToFahr.addActionListener(this); // Register with listeners
} // TemperatureJPanel()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
{ String inputStr = inField.getText(); // User's input
double userInput = Double.parseDouble(inputStr); // Convert to double
double result = 0;
if (e.getSource() == celsToFahr) { // Process and report
result = temperature.celsToFahr(userInput);
resultField.setText(inputStr + " C = " + result + " F");
} else {
result = temperature.fahrToCels(userInput);
resultField.setText(inputStr + " F = " + result + " C");
} // actionPerformed
} // TemperatureJPanel
public static void main(String argv[])
OneRowNim game = new OneRowNim(MAX_STICKS);
while(game.gameOver() == false)
int sticks = (int) (Math.random()*MAX_PICKUP) + 1;
System.out.println("Sticks picked up: " + sticks);
} // while
System.out.println(game.report()); // The game is now over
System.out.print("Game won by player ");
} // main()
class NimPlayer
{ private OneRowNim nim;
public NimPlayer (OneRowNim game)
{ nim = game;
public int move()
{ int sticksLeft = nim.getSticks();
if (sticksLeft % (nim.MAX_PICKUP + 1) != 1)
return (sticksLeft - 1) % (nim.MAX_PICKUP +1);
else {
int maxPickup = Math.min(nim.MAX_PICKUP, sticksLeft);
return 1 + (int)(Math.random() * maxPickup);
} // NimPlayer
public class KBComputerNim
{ public static void main(String argv[])
KeyboardReader kb = new KeyboardReader();
OneRowNim game = new OneRowNim(OneRowNim.MAX_STICKS);
NimPlayer computer = new NimPlayer(game);
System.out.println("Let's play One Row Nim");
while(game.gameOver() == false) {
if (game.getPlayer() == game.PLAYER_ONE)
{ kb.prompt("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks() +
" Your move. "); //Prompt
kb.prompt("You can pick up between 1 and " +
Math.min(game.MAX_PICKUP,game.getSticks()) +" :");
int sticks = kb.getKeyboardInteger(); // Get move
game.takeSticks(sticks); // Do move
} else
{ kb.prompt("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks() +
" My move. ");
int sticks = computer.move();
System.out.println("I take " + sticks);
} // else
} // while
// The game is now over
kb.display("Sticks left = " + game.getSticks());
if (game.getWinner() == game.PLAYER_ONE)
System.out.println(" You win. Nice game!");
System.out.println(" I win. Nice game!");
} // main()
} // KBComputerNim
public class BankCD
{ private double principal; // The CD's initial principal
private double rate; // CD's interest rate
private double years; // Number of years to maturity
public BankCD(double p, double r, double y)
{ principal = p;
rate = r;
years = y;
} // BandCD()
public double calcYearly()
{ return principal * Math.pow(1 + rate, years);
} // calcYearly()
public double calcDaily()
{ return principal * Math.pow(1 + rate/365, years*365);
} // calcDaily()
} // BankCD
public class TestBankCD
private KeyboardReader reader = new KeyboardReader();
private NumberFormat dollars = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
private NumberFormat percent = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
private BankCD cd;
public void run()
{ reader.display("Compares daily and annual compounding for a CD.\n");
reader.prompt(" Input the CD's initial principal, e.g. 1000.55 > ");
double principal = reader.getKeyboardDouble();
reader.prompt(" Input the CD's interest rate, e.g. 6.5 > ");
double rate = reader.getKeyboardDouble() / 100.0;
reader.prompt(" Input the number of years to maturity, e.g., 10.5 > ");
double years = reader.getKeyboardDouble();
cd = new BankCD(principal, rate, years);
System.out.println("For Principal = " + dollars.format(principal) +
" Rate= " + percent.format(rate) +
" Years= " + years);
double cdAnnual = cd.calcYearly(); // Compounded yearly
double cdDaily = cd.calcDaily(); // Compounded annually
System.out.println(" The maturity value compounded yearly is " +
System.out.println(" The maturity value compounded daily is: " +
} // run()
public static void main( String args[] )
{ TestBankCD cd = new TestBankCD();
} // main()
}// TestBankCD