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\newcommand{\rowopswap}[2]{R_{#1}\leftrightarrow R_{#2}}
\newcommand{\lincombo}[3]{#1_{1}\vect{#2}_{1}+#1_{2}\vect{#2}_{2}+#1_{3}\vect{#2}_{3}+\cdots +#1_{#3}\vect{#2}_{#3}}
\newcommand{\ltdefn}[3]{#1\colon #2\rightarrow#3}
\newcommand{\matrixrepcolumns}[4]{\left\lbrack \left.\vectrep{#2}{\lteval{#1}{\vect{#3}_{1}}}\right|\left.\vectrep{#2}{\lteval{#1}{\vect{#3}_{2}}}\right|\left.\vectrep{#2}{\lteval{#1}{\vect{#3}_{3}}}\right|\ldots\left|\vectrep{#2}{\lteval{#1}{\vect{#3}_{#4}}}\right.\right\rbrack}
\newcommand{\hadamard}[2]{#1\circ #2}
\newcommand{\fillinmath}[1]{\mathchoice{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\displaystyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\textstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptscriptstyle\phantom{\,#1\,}$}}}
Preface Contributors
Many, many individuals have contributed corrections, suggestions, and clarifications. Please see the changelog.txt
file that accompanys the source files, or in more recent times, their names also appear in the git
commit messages. Their contributions are gratefully acknowledged.
Others have provided substantial contributions that appear in the text, and are acknowledged in the vicinity of their contributions. A complete list follows, with last known location.
David Beezer
Oakland, California
Robert Beezer
U. of Puget Sound
David Braithwaite
Chicago, Illinois
Sara Bucht
U. of Puget Sound
Steve Canfield
U. of Puget Sound
Dupont Hubert
Créteil, France
Sarah Fellez
U. of Puget Sound
Eric Fickenscher
U. of Puget Sound
Martin Jackson
U. of Puget Sound
Zach Jarvis
U. of Puget Sound
Chili Johnson
U. of Puget Sound
Ivan Kessler
U. of Puget Sound
Don Kreher
Michigan Tech. U.
Mark Hamrick
St. Louis U.
Jacob Linenthal
U. of Puget Sound
Travis Osborne
U. of Puget Sound
Joe Riegsecker
Middlebury, Indiana
Manley Perkel
U. of Puget Sound
Douglas Phelps
U. of Puget Sound
Mark Shoemaker
U. of Puget Sound
Tyler Ueltschi
U. of Puget Sound
Andy Zimmer
College of William and Mary