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Section 8.20 Discussion Questions

  1. Draw the tree structure resulting from the following set of tree function calls:
    >>> r = BinaryTree(3)
    >>> insertLeft(r,4)
    [3, [4, [], []], []]
    >>> insertLeft(r,5)
    [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], []]
    >>> insertRight(r,6)
    [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], [6, [], []]]
    >>> insertRight(r,7)
    [3, [5, [4, [], []], []], [7, [], [6, [], []]]]
    >>> setRootVal(r,9)
    >>> insertLeft(r,11)
    [9, [11, [5, [4, [], []], []], []], [7, [], [6, [], []]]]
  2. Trace the algorithm for creating an expression tree for the expression \((4 * 8) / 6 - 3\text{.}\)
  3. Consider the following array of integers: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Show the binary search tree resulting from inserting the integers in the array.
  4. Consider the following array of integers: [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]. Show the binary search tree resulting from inserting the integers in the array.
  5. Generate a random array of integers. Show the binary heap tree resulting from inserting the integers on the array one at a time.
  6. Using the array from the previous question, show the binary heap tree resulting from using the array as a parameter to the buildHeap method. Show both the tree and array form.
  7. Draw the binary search tree that results from inserting the following keys in the order given: 68,88,61,89,94,50,4,76,66, and 82.
  8. Generate a random array of integers. Draw the binary search tree resulting from inserting the integers on the array.
  9. Consider the following array of integers: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Show the binary heap resulting from inserting the integers one at a time.
  10. Consider the following array of integers: [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]. Show the binary heap resulting from inserting the integers one at a time.
  11. Consider the two different techniques we used for implementing traversals of a binary tree. Why must we check before the call to preorder when implementing as a method, whereas we could check inside the call when implementing as a function?
  12. Show the function calls needed to build the binary tree in Figure 8.20.1.
    A tree whose root node is language. The language node has two children: compiled and interpreted. The compiled node has two children: C and Java. The interpreted node has two children: Python and Scheme.
    Figure 8.20.1. Tree of Programming Languages
  13. Given the tree in Figure 8.20.2, perform the appropriate rotations to bring it back into balance.
    A tree whose root node is B with a balance factor of -2. B has two children: A with a balance factor of 0 and E with a balanace factor of 1. A has no children. E has two children: D with a balance factor of 1 and F with a balance factor of 0. D has only a left child: C with balance factor 0. F has no children.
    Figure 8.20.2. Out of Balance Tree
  14. Using Figure 8.20.3 as a starting point, derive the equation that gives the updated balance factor for node D.
    Figure 8.20.3. Compute Updated Balance Factor
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