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Section 7.9 Self Check

Checkpoint 7.9.1.

    Which of the following sort algorithms are guaranteed to be \(O(n \log n)\) even in the worst case?
  • Shell Sort
  • Shell sort is between \(O(n)\) and \(O(n^2)\)
  • Quick Sort
  • Quick sort can be \(O(n \log n)\text{,}\) but if the pivot points are not well chosen and the list is just so, it can be \(O(n^2)\text{.}\)
  • Merge Sort
  • Correct! Merge Sort is the only guaranteed \(O(n \log n)\) even in the worst case. The cost is that merge sort uses more memory.
  • Insertion Sort
  • Insertion sort is \(O(n^2)\)

Checkpoint 7.9.2.

Checkpoint 7.9.3.

    Which sort should you use for best efficiency If you need to sort through 100,000 random items in a list?
  • Merge
  • Correct!
  • Selection
  • Selection sort is inefficient in large lists.
  • Bubble
  • Bubble sort works best with mostly sorted lists.
  • Insertion
  • Insertion sort works best with either small or mostly sorted lists.
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