Section 4.3 Implementing an Unordered Linked List
A linked list is a linear collection of data elements whose order is not determined by the placement in memory. Instead, each element is stored in a node which points to the next node. In the next sections we implement this linked list data structure. In doing so, we need to be sure that we can maintain the relative positioning of the items. However, there is no requirement that we maintain that positioning in contiguous memory. For example, consider the collection of items shown in Figure 4.3.1. It appears that these values have been placed randomly. If we can maintain some explicit information in each item, namely the location of the next item (see Figure 4.3.2), then the relative position of each item can be expressed by simply following the link from one item to the next.
It is important to note that the location of the first item of the list must be explicitly specified. Once we know where the first item is, the first item can tell us where the second is, and so on. The external reference is often referred to as the head of the list. Similarly, the last item needs to know that there is no next item.
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