4.12. MatchingΒΆ
- Graph
- A representation of a system that contains discrete and interconnected elements.
- Random Graph
- In this graph, nodes and edges are generated randomly.
- Complete Graph
- In this graph, every node is connected to every other node.
- Connected Graphs
- In this graph, there is a path from every node to every other node.
- Stack
- Elements are added and removed from the top.
- ER Graphs
- In these graphs, a random graph is generated using two closely related models.
- Undirected Edge
- Comparable to a two way street, this edge is not constrained to a single direction and is symmetrical to each node it is connected to.
- Directed Edge
- Comparable to a one way street, this edge is constrained to a single direction and is asymmetrical to each node it is connected to.
- Nodes (Vertices)
- It represents the information that is contained in a single ADT.
- Edges
- Enables the connection between nodes and networks.
- Directed Gaph
- Sets of nodes where all edges are directed from one vertex to another.
- Undirected Graph
- Set of nodes where all edges are bidirectional.
- Graph Theory
- This models pairwise relations between objects from a certain collection using a mathematical structure.
- Graph Algorithm
- This algorithm takes as an input one or more graphs.
- Path
- A sequence of nodes with an edge between each consecutive pair.
- NetworkX
- A python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
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