21.25. Pre Survey

Please answer the following questions.

    Generally I have felt secure about attempting computer programming problems.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I am sure I could do advanced work in computer science.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I am sure that I can learn programming.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I think I could handle more difficult programming problems.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I can get good grades in computer science.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree
    I have a lot of self-confidence when it comes to programming.
  • 1. Strongly disagree
  • 2. Disagree
  • 3. Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4. Agree
  • 5. Strongly agree

For the next questions please select the answer that best matches your familiarity and confidence about the specified concept(s).

    Setting the value of a variable like: x = 4
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with this concept
  • 2. I know what it means, but have not used it in a program
  • 3. I have used this concept in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use it
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use this concept in a program
    Swapping the values of two variables so that var1 has the original value of var2 and var2 has the original value of var1
  • 1. I am unfamiliar with this concept
  • 2. I know what it means, but have not used it in a program
  • 3. I have used this concept in a program, but am not confident about my ability to use it
  • 4. I am confident in my ability to use this concept in a program

21.25.1. Feedback

Please provide feedback here. Please share any comments, problems, or suggestions.

21.25.2. What to do next

Click on the following link to learn how to solve different types of problems in this ebook : Introduction to Problem Types

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