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Section 7.1 Queue Terminology

Similar to the stack, the queue is a list-like structure that imposes certain restrictions on accessing its elements. In a queue, elements can only be inserted at the back (enqueued) and removed from the front (dequeued). Queues operate in a manner similar to standing in line at a movie theater ticket counter. If everyone follows the rules, newcomers join the back of the line, and the person at the front of the line is the next to be served. As a result, queues release their elements in the order of their arrival.
In Britain, a line of people is referred to as a "queue," and the act of joining the line to wait for service is known as "queuing up." Accountants have been using queues long before computers existed and refer to them as "FIFO" lists, which stands for "First-In, First-Out."
Here is a link to the OpenDSA textbook that has more information on queue terminology: Read Me 1 
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