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Section 4.2 Best, Worst, and Average Cases

When analyzing an algorithm, we often contemplate whether to study its best, worst, or average case. Typically, the best case is not of great interest since it tends to occur rarely and may present an overly optimistic depiction of the algorithm’s runtime. Analyzing the best case is not usually representative of the algorithm’s behavior. However, there are exceptional scenarios where a best-case analysis proves valuable, especially when the best case is highly likely to occur. For instance, the Shellsort and Quicksort algorithms leverage the best-case running time of Insertion Sort to enhance their efficiency.
On the other hand, analyzing the worst case has its advantages as it guarantees a lower bound on the algorithm’s performance. This becomes particularly crucial for real-time applications like air traffic control systems. In such cases, it is unacceptable to use an algorithm that performs efficiently for most situations but fails to meet performance requirements when faced with specific scenarios, such as when all airplanes approach from the same direction.
However, for various applications, especially when considering the cumulative cost of executing the program on multiple inputs, analyzing the worst case may not be an accurate measure of the algorithm’s overall performance. In such instances, the preferred approach is often to examine the average-case running time. This allows us to understand the algorithm’s typical behavior when handling inputs of size n. Nevertheless, conducting an average-case analysis is not always feasible. It requires a thorough understanding of how the actual inputs and their associated costs are distributed among all possible inputs to the program. For example, it was mentioned previously that the average-case performance of the sequential search algorithm involves examining half of the array values. However, this holds true only if the element with value K is equally likely to appear in any position within the array. If this assumption is incorrect, the algorithm may not examine half of the array values on average.
The characteristics of the data distribution significantly impact various search algorithms, including hashing and search trees such as Binary Search Trees (BST). Incorrect assumptions about the data distribution can lead to detrimental effects on a program’s space or time performance. Conversely, unusual data distributions can sometimes be leveraged advantageously, as demonstrated by self-organizing lists.
In summary, for real-time applications, a worst-case analysis is often preferred. Otherwise, if sufficient knowledge about the input distribution is available, an average-case analysis is desirable. In the absence of such knowledge, resorting to a worst-case analysis becomes necessary.

Subsection 4.2.1 More about Best, Worst, and Average cases

Here is a link to the OpenDSA textbook that has some examples on working with different algorithms: Read Me 1 
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