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7.4. Practice Makes Perfect

Here’s a reminder of the drawing commands we’ve learned so far:

Drawing commands

What does it do?

forward( distance )

Move forward a specified distance

backward( distance )

Move backward a specified distance


Turns 90 degrees to the left (you can use any angle, not just 90!)


Turns 90 degrees to the right

circle( radius )

Draws a circle with the specified radius

goto( x, y )

Move straight to the position with coordinates (x, y). Note: the center is (0, 0)


Stop leaving a trail


Start drawing a trail

color( c )

Set the color to c (


Starts filling in drawn shapes


Stops filling in drawn shapes

speed(number 0-10)

Determines how quickly the turtle will move through commands

Functions and Loops

Drawing commands

What does it do?

for i in range( n ):

Repeat n times

def function_name():

Creates and defines a new function


Calls a function



What does it do?

variable = value

Stores the value in your variable

variable = input( message )

Takes user input and stores it in your variable

7.4.1. Quick review of variables:

  • A variable is a container that stores a value

  • You can access that value by calling your variable by its name

  • You can change the value that’s stored in a variable with the equal sign “=”

Take a look at the example below that draws 3 circles in a row that are the same size without a variable versus with a variable.

Building off of this idea, can we draw a square that uses a variable for the length of its sides?

7.4.2. Parameters

Parameters allow us to use variables to make functions more customizable. When we call we give it a value for the radius of the circle. We can do this when we define our own functions too.

Let’s try it out by writing a function that draws a square with a side length of our choice. Use your code from the previous exercise as a starting point.
Once you’ve got the above code working, try adding a second parameter that sets the color of the square!

Image of a triangle drawn with Python Turtle Image of a square drawn with Python Turtle Image of a pentagon drawn with Python Turtle Image of a hexagon drawn with Python Turtle
How else can we use parameters? Let’s define a shape() function that has a parameter for the number of sides for the shape. (So shape(3) draws a triangle, shape(4) draws a square, etc)

7.4.3. Have Some Fun!

With what time we have left, take what you’ve learned and have some fun experimenting with drawing something cool! If you need some inspiration, check out the examples below! And, as always, ask a mentor if you get stuck or need any tips!
Image of a triangle drawn with Python Turtle Image of a square drawn with Python Turtle Image of a pentagon drawn with Python Turtle Image of a hexagon drawn with Python Turtle Image of a triangle drawn with Python Turtle Image of a square drawn with Python Turtle Image of a pentagon drawn with Python Turtle Image of a hexagon drawn with Python Turtle

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