7.8. Impacts of CS Who Owns the Bits¶
This lesson ...
Professional Development
The Student Lesson: Complete the activities for Unit 7: Lesson 7.8 Who Owns the Bits?.
- Blown to Bits: Chapter 6 (original)
- New Blown to Bits: Chapter 6 (13th grade reading level on the Fry Graph Readability Formula)
- Anticipation Guide
- Concept Bank Template
- Blown to Bits Chapter 6 Vocabulary
- Blown to Bits Vocabulary Masterlist
- Blown to Bits Chapter 6 Questions
7.8.1. Learning Activities¶
Estimated Length: 135 minutes
- Hook/Motivation (10 minutes): Ask students to complete the Anticipation Guide. Once they are finished responding to the questions, ask them how they responded. Then ask students where they get images and music. Is it copyrighted? What is meant by "copyright"? What if you use copyrighted material for a project you are creating like an app?
- Experiences and Explorations (45 minutes):
- Getting ready to read (Think-Pair-Share):
- Think (5 minutes): Have students first work alone to consider the following concepts on the Concept Bank Template. Ask them to briefly try to describe a few ideas about each concept: Copyright, Peer-to-peer architecture/network, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Open access and creative commons
- Pair (5 minutes): With a partner, have students share their understanding or what they know about each idea.
- Share (5 minutes): Discuss each concept as a whole class.
- In-Class Reading (30 minutes):
- Read-Aloud (5 minutes): Read the opening story from Chapter 6 to the class (pp. 195-196) about Tanya Andersen.
- Discussion (10 minutes):
- "The RIAA has filed more than 26,000 lawsuits against individuals for illegal downloading since 2003."
- "It’s also an error-prone form of justice. Matching names to IP addresses is unreliable—several computers on the same wireless network might share the same IP address."
- How might this be possible?
- Reading (20 minutes): Have students read Blown To Bits Chapter 6 pp. 195-210. As they are reading, ask students to write down two or three new ideas or questions about what they read.
- Rethink, Reflect and/or Revise (15 minutes):
- Portfolio and Chapter 6 questions: Have students choose two questions from the list and complete them.
- Wrap up:
- Ask students to share one idea from their portfolio/chapter questions.
- Display the important concepts from the text and ask students to share anything new they learning about these concepts from reading.
- Copyright
- Peer-to-peer architecture/network
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
- Open access and creative commons
7.8.2. Day 2¶
- Hook/Motivation (10 minutes): The next section of the book is called "Digital Rights and Trusted Systems." Ask students to read pp. 210-211. When they are finished, ask students,
- "How does Fortress prevent people who’ve bought its material from copying and redistributing it?"
- What if you were the owner of the company? What might you do to protect your digital material?
- Experiences and Exploration (40 minutes):
- Review the concepts from this reading (10 minutes): Have students use the knowledge they have gained in this chapter to complete the Concept Bank worksheet regarding the following terms: Copyright, Peer-to-peer architecture/network, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA),Open access and creative commons. Concept Bank Directions:
- Students should first define the concept in their own words.
- Next students should sketch a picture in the box provided of what the term looks like to them.
- Finally, students should make connections to the term--personally or to the world around them. How does this term to connect to the world around them?
- In-Class Reading (30 minutes): Have students read (with a partner or as individuals) the rest of Chapter 6 (pp. 212-228) and ask them to expand their responses in each category on the Concept Bank worksheet.
- Rethink, Reflect and/or Revise (15 minutes):
- Portfolio Reflection (10 minutes): Each student should address the Chapter 6 questions in their portfolio entry.
- Wrap up (5 minutes): Have students share an idea about copyright with the class. Discuss ideas they have about finding content such as images, sounds, and music for their apps that are free to use.
AP Classroom
The College Board's AP Classroom provides a question bank and Topic Questions. You may create a formative assessment quiz in AP Classroom, assign the quiz (a set of questions), and then review the results in class to identify and address any student misunderstandings.The following are suggested topic questions that you could assign once students have completed this lesson.
Suggested Topic Questions:
- Topic 5.5. Legal and Ethical Concerns
Assessment Opportunities and Solutions
Solutions Note: Solutions are only available to verified educators who have joined the Teaching Mobile CSP Google group/forum in Unit 1.
Assessment Opportunities
You can examine students’ work on the interactive exercise and their reflection portfolio entries to assess their progress on the following learning objectives. If students are able to do what is listed there, they are ready to move on to the next lesson.
Differentiation: More Practice
Differentiation: Enrichment
7.8.3. Professional Development Reflection¶
Discuss the lesson with other teachers in your professional development program.
I am confident I can teach this lesson to my students.
- 1. Strongly Agree
- 2. Agree
- 3. Neutral
- 4. Disagree
- 5. Strongly Disagree