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Runestone Academy can only continue if we get support from individuals like you. As a student you are well aware of the high cost of textbooks. Our mission is to provide great books to you for free, but we ask that you consider a $10 donation, more if you can or less if $10 is a burden.
Before you keep reading...
Making great stuff takes time and $$. If you appreciate the book you are reading now and want to keep quality materials free for other students please consider a donation to Runestone Academy. We ask that you consider a $10 donation, but if you can give more thats great, if $10 is too much for your budget we would be happy with whatever you can afford as a show of support.
11.5. Course Updates
This page will list updates to the course. Updates will generally be made to clarify content where teachers and students have identified issues with the material. Minor changes to fix links, questions, etc. will not be posted here. Ones that change your teaching practice, i.e. what you do in the classroom, will be posted.
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