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GitKit (VSCode Edition): Learn git and GitHub in Context

Section 2.2 FOSS Communities

During class time you will have learned about the principles that guide FOSS Communities and the roles that are performed by FOSS community members. The exercises in this section ask about those principles and roles.

Subsection 2.2.1 FOSS Community Principles

Some of the key principles that guide FOSS communities are shared values, collaboration, transparency, inclusivity, meritocracy and release early and often. If you would like you can review a discussion of some of these principles at The Open Source Way


Consider each of the following statements about the operation of a FOSS community and choose the principle (or principles if multiple apply equally) with which it most closely aligns.

Subsection 2.2.2 FOSS Community Roles

There are a number of roles that tend to exist in FOSS communities. Some of these included Users, Requestors, Contributors, Maintainers and Leaders. Not all communities will have all of these rolls and often community members will take on multiple roles simultaneously or move between roles over time.


Consider each of the actions described below. For each action, select the role (or roles) of the individual(s) that would most likely be responsible for the action.
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