5.2. Method Parameters

Consider two verses in the “Old MacDonald” song:

Verse 1

Verse 2

Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm



And on that farm he had a cow

And on that farm he had a duck



With a moo-moo here

With a quack-quack here

And a moo-moo there

And a quack-quack there

Here a moo, there a moo

Here a quack, there a quack

Everywhere a moo-moo

Everywhere a quack-quack

Old MacDonald had a farm

Old MacDonald had a farm



Each verse is identical, except for the animal (cow vs duck) and the noise (moo vs quack). We can create a method named verse to abstract the repetitive lines, but the method will need two formal parameters, which are placeholders that allow different values to be substituted for the animal and noise when the method is called. The method body will use the formal parameter variables to customize the print statements.

public static void verse( String animal, String noise )
  System.out.println( "Old MacDonald had a farm" );
  System.out.println( "E-I-E-I-O" );
  System.out.println( "And on that farm he had a " + animal );
  System.out.println( "E-I-E-I-O" );
  System.out.println( "With a " + noise + "-" + noise + " here") ;
  System.out.println( "And a " + noise + "-" + noise + " there" );
  System.out.println( "Here a " + noise + ", there a " + noise );
  System.out.println( "Everywhere a " + noise + "-" + noise );
  System.out.println( "Old MacDonald had a farm" );
  System.out.println( "E-I-E-I-O" );

When you call the method, you provide values between the parentheses, called actual arguments or actual parameters, that are copied into the formal parameter variables.

verse( "cow", "moo" );
verse( "duck", "quack" );

The main method will call the verse method twice, once for the cow and once for the duck. The call stack diagram shown below corresponding to the verse( "cow" , "moo" ); method call. If you look at the frame on the call stack for the verse method, it contains not only the current line but also the formal parameter variables and values. The print statements will use the formal parameter variables to customize the output.


Update the main method to add a third verse to the song with another animal and noise. Use the CodeLens button to step through the code.

5.2.1. Refactoring - Removing Duplicate Code

Sometimes a program has blocks of code that are similar, but not exactly the same. The code might perform a similar function but with different values.

We can introduce a method to perform a task that can be generalised by having formal parameter variables. The method can adapt to a variety of situations depending on the values passed into the method.

The PayrollCalculator class listed below calculates and prints the weekly pay for two employees. Do you notice any redundancy?

public class PayrollCalculator

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    double hourlyRate, hoursWorked, weeklyPay;
    String employee;

    //Calculate weekly pay for Fred
    employee = "Fred";
    hourlyRate = 12.50;
    hoursWorked = 20;
    weeklyPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked;
    System.out.println(employee  + ":" + weeklyPay);

    //Calculate weekly pay for Amir
    employee = "Amir";
    hourlyRate = 15.0;
    hoursWorked = 35;
    weeklyPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked;
    System.out.println(employee  + ":" + weeklyPay);



The table below displays the code for each employee side by side. The first three lines of code are the same except for the value in the right hand side of each assignment, while the last two lines of code are identical.

Calculate pay for first employee

Calculate pay for second employee

employee = “Fred”;

employee = “Amir”;

hourlyRate = 12.50;

hourlyRate = 15.0;

hoursWorked = 20;

hoursWorked = 35;

weeklyPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked;

weeklyPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked;

System.out.println(employee + “:” + weeklyPay);

System.out.println(employee + “:” + weeklyPay);

The redundant calculation and printing can be eliminated by adding a new method named calculatePay. Three formal parameters are needed to allow different values to be passed into the method: employee, hourlyRate, and hoursWorked. The weeklyPay variable is declared in the method body, since its value is computed using the formal parameter variables. A variable declared in a method is called a local variable.

public static void calculatePay ( String employee, double hourlyRate, double hoursWorked)
   double weeklyPay = hourlyRate * hoursWorked;
   System.out.println(employee  + ":" + weeklyPay);

When the calculatePay method is called, actual values must be provided for each parameter:

calculatePay ( "Fred", 12.50, 20.0 );
calculatePay ( "Amir", 15.00, 35.0 );

Update the code below to add the calculatePay method. Update the main method to call the calculatePay method twice to compute the pay for each employee. Use the CodeLens button to confirm that your main method makes the two calls to calculatePay, with the correct values passed into the method.

exercise Check your understanding


A call stack method frame stores formal parameter variables as well as local variables.

When a method is called, the right method definition is found by checking the method header at the top of the method definition to match the name, number and type of arguments, and return type.

5.2.2. Variable Scope

A variable may be available for use in some lines of code, but not others. The scope of a variable is the region of the program that is it visible, which means it is accessible by name and can be used in the code.

A variable declared inside a method is called a local variable. The scope of a local variable is the method body in which it is declared. You can’t use a variable before it is declared, so in fact the scope begins on the line that declares the variable and continues until the last line of code in the method or block. The local variable’s memory location is only available while the method is executing. When the method completes, the memory location is released. If you called the method again, the old value is not available.

Use the CodeLens button to step through the two method calls in the main. Notice the inches and centimeters variables are visible in the inchesToCentimeters method but not the main method.

The inchestToCentimeters method defines a local variable centimeters, which is only visible inside that method. The main method can’t see or use the variable. Each time the inchestToCentimeters method is called, a new memory location is created for the local variable.

A formal parameter is like a local variable in that its scope is the body of the corresponding method. The inches variable is only visible in the inchesToCentimeters method body.


A local variable has its value initialized within the method body.

A formal parameter has its value initialized by the method call.

You must explicitly assign a local variable a value before you can use it in a calculation. The compiler will warn you if you try to use a local variable in a calculation or print statement before it has been assigned a value.

exercise Check your understanding

5.2.3. Method Tracing

A method can call other methods to help it do its job.

exercise Check your understanding

exercise Check your understanding

5.2.4. Pass by value

Java uses pass by Value when it passes arguments into a method. This means that a copy of the actual parameter value is stored in the formal parameter variable. The original value outside the method is not changed if a new value is assigned to the formal parameter within the method body. It is generally not a good idea to change the value of a formal parameter inside a method, however it is possible as the example below shows.

coding exercise Check your understanding

Use the CodeLens button to watch how the square method alters the value of x, while the value of y in the main method is not affected.

Try changing the name of the variable in the main method to “x” and rerun the program. You should see that the variable in the main method remains unaffected by changes made in the square method, even when the variables have the same name.

If you pass in an argument that holds a reference to an object, like a String or Person or Turtle object, a copy of this reference is passed in and saved in the parameter variable. You will explore this more in the following unit.

5.2.5. groupwork Programming Challenge : Calculating Shipping Costs

The ShippingCostCalculator class listed below computes and prints the shipping cost for 3 different items based on their weight. The cost is 9.95 if the item weighs less than 15.0, otherwise the cost is 12.95. While the if-else statements are not identical due to the different variables names (weight1 vs weight2 vs weight3, cost1 vs cost2 vs cost3), each tests the weight and assigns the cost in the same way.

public class ShippingCostCalculator {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    double weight1, weight2, weight3;
    double cost1, cost2, cost3;

    weight1 = 22.0;
    weight2 = 10.0;
    weight3 = 12.0;

    //calculate cost for item#1
    if (weight1 < 15.0)
      cost1 = 9.95;
      cost1 = 12.95;

    //calculate cost for item#2
    if (weight2 < 15.0)
      cost2 = 9.95;
      cost2 = 12.95;

    //calculate cost for item#3
    if (weight3 < 15.0)
      cost3 = 9.95;
      cost3 = 12.95;


The redundant code will be eliminated by adding a new method to compute and print the cost based on item weight.

  • Update the program below to add a new method calculateShipping that has one formal parameter for weight. The method will need a local variable for cost. The method should test the weight and print the corresponding cost.

  • Update the main method to replace the existing code with 3 calls to calculateShipping, each passing an actual value for weight. The main method will no longer need local variables.

  • Confirm that the new version of the program produces the same output as the original version.

5.2.6. Summary

  • When you call a method, you can give or pass in values called arguments or actual parameters inside the parentheses. The arguments are saved in local formal parameter variables that are declared in the method header.

  • Values provided in the arguments in a method call need to correspond to the order and type of the parameters in the method signature.

  • When an actual parameter is a primitive value, the formal parameter is initialized with a copy of that value.

  • New values assigned to the formal parameter within the method have no effect on the corresponding actual parameter.

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