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5.8. Easy Multiple Choice Questions¶
These problems are easier than most of those that you will usually see on the AP CS A exam.
- x is negative
- This will only print if x has been set to a number less than zero. Has it?
- x is zero
- This will only print if x has been set to 0. Has it?
- x is positive
- The first condition is false and x is not equal to zero so the else will execute.
5-8-1: What does the following code print when x has been set to 187?
if (x < 0) System.out.println("x is negative");
else if (x == 0) System.out.println("x is zero");
else System.out.println("x is positive");
- first case
- This will print if x is greater than or equal 3 and y is less than or equal 2. In this case x is greater than 3 so the first condition is true, but the second condition is false.
- second case
- This will print if x is less than 3 or y is greater than 2.
5-8-2: What is printed when the following code executes and x equals 4 and y equals 3?
if (!(x < 3 || y > 2)) System.out.println("first case");
else System.out.println("second case");
- A
- Notice that each of the first 4 statements start with an if. What will actually be printed? Try it.
- B
- Each of the first 4 if statements will execute.
- C
- Check this in DrJava.
- D
- Each of the if statements will be executed. So grade will be set to B then C and finally D.
- E
- This will only be true when score is less than 60.
5-8-3: What is the value of grade when the following code executes and score is 80?
if (score >= 90) grade = "A";
if (score >= 80) grade = "B";
if (score >= 70) grade = "C";
if (score >= 60) grade = "D";
else grade = "E";
- first case
- This will print if either of the two conditions are true. The first isn't true but the second will cause an error.
- second case
- This will print if both of the conditions are false. But, an error will occur when testing the second condition.
- You will get a error because you can't divide by zero.
- The first condition will be false so the second one will be executed and lead to an error since you can't divide by zero.
5-8-4: What is printed when the following code executes and x has been set to zero and y is set to 3?
if (x > 0 || (y / x) == 3) System.out.println("first case");
else System.out.println("second case");
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