Checkpoint 5.2.10. A Python program, including another.
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<exercise xml:id="exercise-python-including">
<title>A Python program, including another</title>
<p>Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable <c>loan_total</c>.</p>
<program autorun="yes" codelens="no" xml:id="python-summation" interactive="activecode" language="python" label="python-sum-total" include="python-statistics">
loan_total = 0
for loan in loan_amount:
loan_total += loan
from unittest.gui import TestCaseGui
class MyTests(TestCaseGui):
def testOne(self):
self.assertTrue('loan_total' in self.getEditorText(), "you need a loan_total variable")
self.assertEqual(loan_total, sum(loan_amount), "Use the accumulator pattern to add up all the loans")
self.assertFalse('sum(' in self.getEditorText(), "you may not use sum()")
Compute the total amount of money loaned and store it in the variable