11. Post Test and Survey

Please complete the survey questions and click on the Post-test link below.

11.2. Post-Survey

    I am now a :
  • 1. beginner programmer
  • 2. intermediate programmer
  • 3. expert programmer
  • 4. prefer not to answer

Before you keep reading...

Making great stuff takes time and $$. If you appreciate the book you are reading now and want to keep quality materials free for other students please consider a donation to Runestone Academy. We ask that you consider a $10 donation, but if you can give more thats great, if $10 is too much for your budget we would be happy with whatever you can afford as a show of support.

    I am confident in my Java programming skills.
  • 1. strongly agree
  • 2. agree
  • 3. neither agree or disagree
  • 4. disagree
  • 5. strongly disagree
  • 6. prefer not to answer
    I enjoyed learning about computer science and Java in this course.
  • 1. strongly agree
  • 2. agree
  • 3. neither agree or disagree
  • 4. disagree
  • 5. strongly disagree
  • 6. prefer not to answer
    I would like to pursue further study or a career in computing.
  • 1. strongly agree
  • 2. agree
  • 3. neither agree or disagree
  • 4. disagree
  • 5. strongly disagree
  • 6. prefer not to answer

11-2-6: What did you like best about this course?

11-2-7: How could this course be improved?